Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm Against Abortion (one of my topic on my speech class)

Abortion is the premature expulsion of nonviable fetus from the uterus. In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception from the uterus. It is the lost of pregnancy and does not refer why the pregnancy is lost.

An embryo or fetus stops developing and body expels it. This is called spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. This is quite reasonable but this is automatically done when the fetus is detected malfunctioning on the mother’s womb.
Abortion is usually caused by the unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Most commonly reason for abortion is to postpone or stop child bearing. The second most common reason is related in socioeconomic concerns:
- unable to give education and employment
- lack of support from the father
- desire to provide schooling for existing children
- poverty
- & woman’s perception that she is too young to constitute other important categories of reasons.

Abortion involves life- killing of suppostedly new life.
Pro-abortion’s main reason to legalized abortion is that many women die every year because of illegal abortion. Is that their reasons? Killing once life is a murder. Pro-life are simply saying that babies have a right to live.

Some small groups run large campaigns to convince people that woman have a right to choose to abort their babies. This is illogical. The choice comes when the women decide to have risky sex. When people make choices, they must accept the certain consequences of this choice. Sometimes people want to accept the consequences of their choices and try to find an unethical means to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Science says that fetus is a person because a person’s genetic make-up is determined at the moment of conception. Religion introduces the soul in the situation. Not only for the soul of the fetus, but also the soul of the woman bearing the baby. How can any woman with a conscience abort her baby? Philosophy supports the idea of a baby becomes a person.

There is a narrow band of belief in science, medicine, religion, and philosophy that life is valuable, should be supported and should not be killed when the killing is reasonably avoided. In fact, those who believe strongly in science, in medicine, in religion, or in philosophy are some of the strongest opponent of abortion.
Abortion should not be legalized. It is not the baby’s choice to live here on earth but he shall not be killed by the selfish reasons of his parents. The parents shall be responsible in all their actions. At first point, they are the reason why the baby is form. The baby is innocent; the parents should guide them and do all the best in them. To be able to live is the best thing parents can do for the baby.

A new born life is important. There is nothing more important than life. That life can be the future of one’s nation, key for successful economic growth, inventor, scientist, or a peacemaker. How can he do that if he is not given a chance to be born? There is no wealth but life.

As Albert Einstein said: “What is the meaning of human life, or an organic life altogether? To answer this question at all implies a religion. Is there any sense then, you ask, in putting it I answer, the man who regards his own life and of his fellow creatures as meaningless is not merely unfortunate but almost disqualified for life. “

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