As I've practice both Korean and beginner Japanese, I can say that in memorizing characters, Korean is easier. But in pronunciation, Korean is more complicated.
Korean Alphabet was made by King Sejong during his reign on Joseon dynasty.
Korean Alphabet is known as Hangul (한글). As you know it is a phonetic alphabet.
They read there word on this sequence:
consonant -> vowel -> consonant : ㄱ -> ㅏ -> ㄱ = 각

So now, Let us practice Korean alphabet! :)
♥ Here are the vowels of Hangul:
ㅏ - a ㅑ - ya
ㅓ - eo ㅕ - yeo
ㅗ - o ㅛ - yo
ㅜ - u ㅠ - yu
ㅡ - eu
ㅣ - i
they pronounce there vowel as the sound of the letter itself. ㅏ(a) is like the way you pronounce Apple. ㅗ(o) is Oblong. ㅜ(u) is like the pronunciation of "oo" in mOOn. ㅣ(i) is like the pronunciation of "ee" in eel.
♥ Here are the consonants of Hangul:
ㄱ - 가 - ka/ga (sound of k or g)
ㄴ - 나 - na ( sound of n)
ㄷ - 다 - da/ta ( t or d )
ㄹ - 라 - ra/la (r of l)
ㅁ - 마 - ma (m)
ㅂ - 바 - ba/pa (b or p)
ㅅ - 사 - sa (s)
ㅇ - 아 - a (*)
ㅈ - 자 - ja/jha (j with a little h sound)
ㅊ - 차 - cha (ch)
ㅋ - 카 - kka (double k sound)
ㅌ - 타 - dda/tta ( double dd or tt)
ㅍ - 파 - pa (p with a little h sound)
ㅎ - 하 - ha (h)
Isn't it complicated? hehe.. at first it looks difficult but as you start pronouncing it, you'll start getting use to it.
*Take note that there consonant "ㅇ" is used in the beginning of any vowels if the vowel is used as the beginning of a word. It doesn't have any sound if it is used in the beginning of a vowel. It has the sound of "ng" if it is used as the ending of any word (for example: 항 - hang).
So now, just memorize there alphabet. Memorization is important to master Korean Language.
Well so much for today guys.. see you again! :) keep visiting for more info. :)
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