Hey guys! I just want to share something^^ opinions, thoughts, happenings, and anything under the sun. I'm not trying to impress so please respect which is written here. I'm not here to compete. Any criticism, correction, and judgement is NOT ALLOWED for comments. Thanks!
In order to learn a new language, one must know how to read and write it's alphabet. Korean Language or 한국어(Han-guk-oh) looks difficult at first. But, If you constantly practice reading and writing it, you will say it is not that difficult as you think. As I've practice both Korean and beginner Japanese, I can say that in memorizing characters, Korean is easier. But in pronunciation, Korean is more complicated.
Korean Alphabet is known as Hangul (한글). As you know it is a phonetic alphabet.
They read there word on this sequence: consonant -> vowel -> consonant : ㄱ -> ㅏ -> ㄱ = 각
So now, Let us practice Korean alphabet! :)
♥ Here are the vowels of Hangul:
ㅏ - a ㅑ - ya ㅓ - eo ㅕ - yeo ㅗ - o ㅛ - yo ㅜ - u ㅠ - yu ㅡ - eu ㅣ - i
they pronounce there vowel as the sound of the letter itself. ㅏ(a) is like the way you pronounce Apple. ㅗ(o) is Oblong. ㅜ(u) is like the pronunciation of "oo" in mOOn. ㅣ(i) is like the pronunciation of "ee" in eel.
♥ Here are the consonants of Hangul:
ㄱ - 가 - ka/ga (sound of k or g) ㄴ - 나 - na ( sound of n) ㄷ - 다 - da/ta ( t or d ) ㄹ - 라 - ra/la (r of l) ㅁ - 마 - ma (m) ㅂ - 바 - ba/pa (b or p) ㅅ - 사 - sa (s) ㅇ - 아 - a (*) ㅈ - 자 - ja/jha (j with a little h sound) ㅊ - 차 - cha (ch) ㅋ - 카 - kka (double k sound) ㅌ - 타 - dda/tta ( double dd or tt) ㅍ - 파 - pa (p with a little h sound) ㅎ - 하 - ha (h)
Isn't it complicated? hehe.. at first it looks difficult but as you start pronouncing it, you'll start getting use to it.
*Take note that there consonant "ㅇ" is used in the beginning of any vowels if the vowel is used as the beginning of a word. It doesn't have any sound if it is used in the beginning of a vowel. It has the sound of "ng" if it is used as the ending of any word (for example: 항 - hang).
So now, just memorize there alphabet. Memorization is important to master Korean Language.
Well so much for today guys.. see you again! :) keep visiting for more info. :)
I admit that I really love listening on Lady Gaga's songs. Well who doesn't what to listen on her hot voice? hahaha! I also like listening on hip-hop songs because it makes me dance. ;) I like listening on ballads, RNB, and OPM then later on i'll gonna play it on my guitar.
I have an inconsistent genre for the song I like to listen. Whether it is Pop, Rock, Ballad, OPM, RNB, Hip-hop, Classic, Mellow, Opera, Metallic, etc.. I consider the song I like through it's meaning..
I started to like such song that makes me inspired, touched, and mesmerized.
Here are the songs that makes me inspired:
1) Perfect Day - Hoku
This song is the official soundtrack of one of my favorite film Legally Blonde. As the lyrics of the songs wants us to know, there's no bad day. On this perfect day, Nothing's standing in my way
On this perfect day, When nothing can go wrong
It's the perfect day, Tomorrow's gonna come too soon I could stay, forever as I am
So whether there's not nice aura over there during your day, don't be affected with them. And, if something bad happens on such a day, remember that there's still tomorrow coming. Just always smile and say "It's a perfect day!" :)
2) Watch Me Shine
As the title said you can now get the meaning why I like this song. Watch Me Shine. There's no such looser in this world. All can shine on it's different filled. :)
So if I feel down and some over there makes me down, I'm just listening to this song and I feel really uplift. :)
3) The Tide is High - Atomic Kitten
"I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that" .. This song is also referring on a girl's type for a man. Well, I can wait if that time comes. But I will not give up! haha! who knows? xD
4) Reflection - Christina Aguilera
This is the OST of animated film Mulan. I really like to listen to this song whenever I feel lost or I'm not doing what I supposed and like to do.. But as the lyrics say:
There’s a heart that must Be free to fly That burns with a need To know the reason why Why must we all conceal What we think How we feel Must there be a secret me I’m forced to hide? I won’t pretend that I’m Someone else For all time
What is important is always be yourself in every time. As long as it won't harm others, always be yourself. But if others are just criticizing for nothing, don't mind them. What important is your reflection.
5) When You Believe - Whitney Houston (rev. by Mariah Carey)
"There can be miracle when you believe". Always believe in yourself. Whatever you think of yourself is definitely the thing will happen to you. This also the OST of animated film Prince of Egypt.
6) Close to Where You Are - Jonalyn Viray
This is the winning piece of now one of Philippines' bestselling diva Jonalyn Viray. As you listen to the song, you'll know why this song made me inspired. :)
7) I'll Make a Man Out of You - Mulan OST
Yes, I'm a girl! But I really like this song! Even though the main character(Mulan) was pushed to quit, she never give up. Don't give up on your goals. Just continue doing it in order to reach your dreams. :)
8) The Impossible Dream
ow yeah~ I know this is an old song. One of my high school teacher introduce to our class this song. Some of my classmates and even me laughs at the first when we heard the title and the hymn of this song. But when I look deeply to the meaning of the song, I was so inspired. Dreaming, just keep dreaming.. Life if useless if where not dreaming. But also, we must also work for are dreams. Even though it is impossible, just dream. Who knows? it may be possible. :)
9) The Greatest Love of All - Whitney Houston
The lyrics tells completely why this song is really inspiring. :)
10) Pananagutan (responsibility) - Himig Heswita
This is Filipino Christian songs inspires me a lot. Pardon me if I can't find an English translation for this song but next time I'll try to translate this for everyone to know.
This song simply means that you lived here on Earth not only for yourself but also you live for something. You live for such people, for your purpose, and for God. We have each responsibility to fulfill while we are here. As I'm a believer of God, I believe that this life is just borrowed and can be taken away anytime. So before that time comes, I must know what is my responsibility here. What is my life's purpose?
Remember that we are here because we have a purpose. :)
I've already thinking that it is about virginity as I read the first lines. And yes, it is. Some of the comments on this photo asked my friend why he posted this. Then my friend replied "I post this just to keep Filipino's tradition." Yes, definitely right. One of our tradition is to keep one's virginity whether your a male or female until you get to the point that you're married.
But, as the new generation come, globalization, liberalization, every country's tradition changes. But believe it or not, most of Filipino people still keeps this tradition, keeping virginity and pure until they get married. Whatever others think about us, were still keeping this tradition. One of those good traits that starts from our ancestors. :)
I hope that the next generation will still keep this tradition. :)
How many letters does the Filipino alphabet have? Actually, the alphabet where using now was derive from the western alphabet. The English alphabet is consist of 26 letters. Filipino alphabet have two additional letters, Ñ and NG. Ñ came from Spanish and NG belongs to original Filipino sound.
here's the chart of Filipino Alphabet:
We have a total of 28 letters.
Filipino Alphabet have 5 vowels and the rest are all consonants. Filipino pronounce it's vowels as itself. The A is like the sound of A when you pronounce the word cAr. E is Elephant. I is Inject. O is chOcO. And U is like the sound of "oo" in the word mOOn.
Our words also consist of double consonant in writing and pronunciation. So if you want to learn more about Filipino Alphabet, just wait until my next post. :) So much for today!~
Hey guys!~~ Have you heard about Cyworld? It is a networking site widely use here in South Korea. In order to make an account there, you must have your Resident's Registration Number(주민등록번호), for foreigners it is found in our Alien Registration Card. So if you're not living in Korea, you can't able to make a cyworld Korea account. They say it is possible to use passport number but i don't know how to. (If I already know, i will share it to you! :) )
So if identity number is required, therefore there are no posers and bogus cyworld users in South Korea. Yes it is. So whoever has there cyworld , it is there own property. They were the one designing and making post on it. It's the real them! Even there actors and actresses have there own cyworld. And as usual, it has a lot of view everyday. :)
Can't wait for your Korean Idol's profile? okay.. here it is:
잘지냈어요? 나는 그........... 와!~ 한국어 연습많이 고 싶어요. 왜냐하면 한국어 정말 중요한..
나는 한국에 의국 대학생이예요. 그래서 한국어 공부많이해요. 처음 시간에는 한국어 어려워요. 그래서 매일 매일 한국어 공부해요. 한국말 좋아요. 나 몰라요, 그냥 한국말 좋아요. 하지만 한국어 쓰기 어려워요.같이 샤워하고 한국어 공부해요. 여행로 한국어 중요한.. 하이... 너무 피곤해요. 아마, 지금 한국어 공부하는 재밌있어요. :)
These are always the first thing to know in learning a new language. Self-introduction. The one that I wrote is the way how Koreans introduce themselves. Same as introducing yourself in English, it also starts with a greeting. Next is your name. Then age. Followed by telling where you came from. Career, and the last one is the closing remarks.
Here it goes: 안녕하세요! (an-nyeong-ha-se-yo!) means Hello! 저는 허니입니다. (cheo-neun honey(my name)im-ni-da.) My name is Honey. 저는 열일곱살입니다. (cheo-neun yeol-il-gop-sal-im-ni-da.) I'm seventeen years old. *actually it doesn't matter if you want to say this or not. 저는 필리핀 사람입니다. (cheo-neun pil-li-pin(Philippines)sa-ram-im-ni-da) I'm a Filipino. 저는 대학생입니다. (cheo-neun tae-hak-saeng-im-ni-da.) I'm in college. 만나서반갑습니다! (man-na-seo-pan-gap-seum-ni-da!) Nice to meet you!/Glad to meet you!
Take note that a Korean word is just pronounced a syllable alone by itself. For example: 저 is only read as "cho" which means I or me. But not all single syllable means something. Some are just use as a grammatical ending, compound, shortcut, slang, etc. You will learn that as you go and pursue studying Korean.
Well done! that is how to pronounce those phrases. You can now introduce yourself in a Korean! This is simple steps may lead to a good conversation. (But how? I don't know how to speak Korean very well! I just know how to introduce myself!)
If that's you question, let me answer. "한국 말 조금 알아요. 그냥, 자기 소개서 아라요." This literally mean "I just know a little Korean. Just self introduction" for a better translation, it is like this: "I just know how to introduce my self in Korean."
Here is how it is pronounced: Han-guk mal jo-geum ar-a-yo. geu-nyang, ja-gi so-gae-seo a-ra-yo.
If you don't know something and you want to tell it in Korean , just say 몰라요(mol-la-yo) which means I don't know.
Korean Language is difficult at first. Well all language are not easy to learn. But if you find yourself enjoying it, you'll gonna start loving it! <3
So, that's enough for this article, i'll post another next time! :)
1) 저는 (cheo-neun) : My, I 2) 안녕하세요 (an-yeong-ha-sae-yo) : Hello 3) 필리핀 (pil-li-pin) : Philippines 4) 한국 (han-guk) : Korea : 대한민국 (dae-han-min-guk) South Korea 5) 일본 (il-bon) : Japan 6) 미국 (mi-guk) : America(North and South) 7) 중국 (jung-guk) : China 8) 영국 (yeong-guk) : United Kingdom 9) 태국 (ttae-guk) : Thailand 10) 열일곱 (yeol-il-gup) : 17 11) ~ 입니다 (im-ni-da) : a compound word that always put on the end of a sentence. 12) 사람 (sa-ram) : person, people 13) 만나서반갑습니다 (man-na-seo-pan-gap-seum-ni-da) : Nice to meet you 14) 조금 (cheo-geum) : little 15) 말(말하다) (mal) : say 16) 알아요 (ar-a-yo) : I know 17) 몰라요 (mol-la-yo) : I don't know 18) 그냥 (geu-nyang) : just 19) 자기 (ja-gi) : self 20) 소개 (so-gae) : introduction
Philippines is known for it's 7,107 island. Take note: 7,107 island. It is divided into three large portion of island which is Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. To easily remember, the Island division of the Philippines is just like the division of four big islands in Japan 日本(Honshū, Hokkaidō, Kyūshū and Shikoku). Our capital city is MANILA.
Our currency is called Philippine Peso (php). As of now, I don't know what is it's dollar equivalent, hehe..
Our latest presidential election held last May 10, 2010 where Mr. Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino won as our 15th president together with Mr. Jejomar Binay as the elected vice-president.
Our government is democratic republic type. Where people can express there freedom of speech and choices. Our government is made by the people and for the people.
Roman Catholic is the main and dominating religion in our country. Most of our festivals are based on the celebration for the saint. Next largest religious group in our country is the Islam or Muslim. They commonly reside in Mindanao but now they are also residing in Luzon especially in our capital city Manila.
We were first colonized by the Spanish that lasted for exactly 333 years. Our country was awaken by our national hero Jose Rizal through writing. He uses pen to write what's happening on our country. We received our freedom on June 12, 1898.
We were second colonize by Americans.As for my opinion, it is also for our good. They educate us, they bring teachers which are called Thomasites in our country to spread education.
We are also colonized by Japan during the World War II. After their lose from America, America made a pact on our country which is called "Fil-American Friendship Day". Where totally free on that time! There's the Republic of the Philippines. It was held last July 4, 1946, same as the celebration of America's Independence day.
* TRIVIA: as you have seen in our flag, blue is on the top and red is on the bottom. If our flag is inverted which red is on the top and blue is on the bottom, it symbolizes war. So if you're a foreigner and you want to draw and display our flag, be aware of this. :)
-- share this if you want. :)
(p.s.: This is my first time to make a sLideshow using movie maker. aLso, the software that I used is in Korean. waaaaaaa! so nangapa ngapa na Lang ako sa paggawa neto. nyaaaaaaaaaaa! i have done this for our presentation for the GET evening party.)
Abortion is the premature expulsion of nonviable fetus from the uterus. In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception from the uterus. It is the lost of pregnancy and does not refer why the pregnancy is lost.
An embryo or fetus stops developing and body expels it. This is called spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. This is quite reasonable but this is automatically done when the fetus is detected malfunctioning on the mother’s womb. Abortion is usually caused by the unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Most commonly reason for abortion is to postpone or stop child bearing. The second most common reason is related in socioeconomic concerns: - unable to give education and employment - lack of support from the father - desire to provide schooling for existing children - poverty - & woman’s perception that she is too young to constitute other important categories of reasons.
Abortion involves life- killing of suppostedly new life. Pro-abortion’s main reason to legalized abortion is that many women die every year because of illegal abortion. Is that their reasons? Killing once life is a murder. Pro-life are simply saying that babies have a right to live.
Some small groups run large campaigns to convince people that woman have a right to choose to abort their babies. This is illogical. The choice comes when the women decide to have risky sex. When people make choices, they must accept the certain consequences of this choice. Sometimes people want to accept the consequences of their choices and try to find an unethical means to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.
Science says that fetus is a person because a person’s genetic make-up is determined at the moment of conception. Religion introduces the soul in the situation. Not only for the soul of the fetus, but also the soul of the woman bearing the baby. How can any woman with a conscience abort her baby? Philosophy supports the idea of a baby becomes a person.
There is a narrow band of belief in science, medicine, religion, and philosophy that life is valuable, should be supported and should not be killed when the killing is reasonably avoided. In fact, those who believe strongly in science, in medicine, in religion, or in philosophy are some of the strongest opponent of abortion. Abortion should not be legalized. It is not the baby’s choice to live here on earth but he shall not be killed by the selfish reasons of his parents. The parents shall be responsible in all their actions. At first point, they are the reason why the baby is form. The baby is innocent; the parents should guide them and do all the best in them. To be able to live is the best thing parents can do for the baby.
A new born life is important. There is nothing more important than life. That life can be the future of one’s nation, key for successful economic growth, inventor, scientist, or a peacemaker. How can he do that if he is not given a chance to be born? There is no wealth but life.
As Albert Einstein said: “What is the meaning of human life, or an organic life altogether? To answer this question at all implies a religion. Is there any sense then, you ask, in putting it I answer, the man who regards his own life and of his fellow creatures as meaningless is not merely unfortunate but almost disqualified for life. “
* as my official blogsite, I will post my final speech presentation last 2009 here. I first post this on my facebook and multiply account. I want to post this here in order to spread my opinion about the value of happiness. I hope this will gonna help anyone who'll read this. :)
old blogsite: http://akoto28thisisme.multiply.com/journal/item/2/Honeys_Idea_and_Advice_for_Happiness._ ......................................................................................................................................................................... “Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead. “
Happiness has a powerful and positive impact in the body. A happy person responds better to flu just like other vaccines. Optimism reduces risk of disease, including cardiovascular, pulmonary, and diabetes. Study shows that that a happy brain has powerful influence on the rest of the body. If one person is ranked in upper level of happiness on psychological tests, then he or she will develop about 50% more antibodies than average in response to flu vaccines. Moreover, happiness, hopefulness, optimism can reduce the risk of "cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, hypertension, colds and upper respiratory infections as well. Those mental states can help people to reduce our risk of death 50%. Doctors usually study the effect of being depressed to people's health, but nor more researchers focus on the positive state; however, there is no confined boundaries about what exactly happiness is.
Peace of mind means the complete absence of stress and worry. It is in complete sane and controlled peace and the lack of over concern about anything. Happiness is related with peace of mind because you cannot achieve happiness without peace of mind. Health of body and peace of mind are necessary for living a happy life. You can get health of body and peace of mind by following the principles of hygiene and ethics. Idleness is the greatest enemy of happy life. So, you should cast off your idleness if any and do some useful and productive work. Adjustment, understanding, co-operation and tolerance are necessary for leading a happy life. Love, affection, sympathy and fellow feelings are necessary on your part for making your life happy.
Living in a happy life also concerns your attitude towards your fellow or neighbors. For example you cannot live happily if your neighbors are unhappy and sad. You cannot enjoy your full meal if your neighbors are experiencing starvation. Also, if you treat your fellow right and good they will be happy. But if you treat them wrong and bad they will be sad and problematic. Not only that, your simple unkind attitude towards them may also change their lives. It may lead on your fellow’s pressure, lack of self esteem, worried mind, and even suicidal. What more if you do more than a simple unkind treatment? Is seeing your fellow unhappy makes you glad? That is not the purpose and meaning of happiness. So be careful of your attitude. You must live in a manner that your neighbor will not suffer for your happiness. You should not hurt them either in mind or in person or in property. Besides, you should sincerely try to relieve their sorrow. Here lies the true living of one's happy life. You should try to make others happy in order to live a happy life for yourself. It is a priceless gift if you make someone happy! It will make you feel better to.
Though for some people, their idea of happiness is money and fame. Some people have the wrong idea of happiness. They believe that happiness arises from just material and temporal objects. Although people can get their happiness from many various sources, the most common source that brings happiness is family and friends. They believe that the temporary things such as money and fame will give them true happiness. Actually, it won’t. Statistics have shown that the majority of wealthy people are not truly happy. However, other people prove that friends and family are the main sources that bring happiness. Friendship improves happiness by multiplying our joy and dividing our sorrow. Happiness in relation to the family is that the love of the family is greatest among all the kinds of love. You will be happy if you are loved.
Happiness is related on the contentment of what you have. Contentment is a peaceful kind of happiness in which one rests without desires, even though every wish may not have been gratified. Being not contented can be the result for possession of material things, jealousy, and greediness. This thing is connected to socio-economic and political life. Even though a man achieves a success but it comes from an evil way that is not the meaning of contentment in relation with happiness. It is because happiness is unselfish and kind just like love. Buddha said that a well guarded mind brings happiness. Those who are free from all worldly desires will attain Nirvana. Never covet what others have. It is deadly sin which grows away from all happiness. Learn to be happy with what you have. Do not steal and greed on your neighbor. Love and do kindness on them for you will achieve the true meaning of happiness trough that.
Happiness is also related on the love for your work. You cannot achieve the true meaning of happiness if you don’t love what you are doing. Successful people win because they love what they do. Actually, your greatest passion is your mission. If you find your true passion and devote yourself to it, you’ll find harmony and happiness in your life. You’ll be achieving great results continually and effortlessly.
Happiness is a pleasant feeling that is beneficial and yet unseen. Happiness and optimism become the effective medicine to our health. And these invisible medicines have no bad side effect to our health compared to Aspirin or Tylenol. And being happy can also helps people to prolong their life and become long-lived. People should try to find happiness in your daily life, and when people encounter difficult problems, they can solve the dilemma with their positive attitude. The positive emotion can bring a sad person out of darkness and enter the world full of hope and liveliness. The melancholy within you will disappear and joy will embrace you.
Happiness is the goal of all people and all wish to live a happy life. The idea of a happy life differs from man to man. Some people think that happiness lies in luxurious living. So, they spend a lot of money over it. Some people think that happiness lies in amassing money. So, they keep a large amount of money in the saving bank and never spend a pie of it even for their bare necessities. Some people think, happiness lies in having gold. So, they keep a large mass of gold in their possession. Some people think happiness lies in worldly life. Some people think happiness lies in renunciation of worldly attachment. But as I have said, happiness cannot be achieved with those things.
But whatever the source is, happiness is definitely essential and necessity of life. Living with happiness can bring you to peace of mind. Love, faith, and hope are also important aspects to achieve happiness. Happiness is under your spiritual, mental, and emotional being. I also read a quote which states that "Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don't find happiness, you make happiness. You choose happiness. Self-actualization is a process of discovering who you are, who you want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings YOU the most meaning and contentment to your life over the long run."
The overall thought of my opinion about happiness is, happiness is spiritual, born of truth and love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it. Achieving happiness is the most priceless thing anyone can have. Aristotle said that happiness is the greatest good.
Classmates, this is our final speech. I’m not expecting to get an A+ with this speech. But whatever grade I got on this speech, what’s important is that I share my point of what happiness is and on how to achieve it. I hope that I help each of you to realize what happiness is.
Mary Grace Joy B. Gonzaga 8 December 2009 Korea University of Technology and Education